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The ‘Be Biodiversity’ survey

Web design

How much do we know about the toll that our everyday activities take on the environment? This was the leading question behind the effort of Belgium’s public environmental authority to launch an ambitious survey. Its aim is to assess the population’s knowledge about everyday threats to biodiversity. Arctik stepped in and turned the survey into an eyecatcher.

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Engaging design

A scroll-stopper for biodiversity

Online surveys can quickly become a bleak affair. With a low response rate, they are often the opposite of clickbait. To make sure the ‘Be Biodiversity’ survey wouldn’t face the same fate but exceed its goal of several thousands of representative answers, Arctik illustrated the questionnaire and, by doing so, turned it into a tool to raise awareness for biodiversity issues. Additionally, Arctik developed the bilingual platform the survey was hosted on and launched a communication and media campaign for its promotion.

Be Biodiversity