
PolarRES with the Future Generation

PolarRES with the Future Generation – Polar Regions “in our hands”

PolarRES will be hosting a series of webinars for our future generation. In support of Ukrainian youth, these webinars will teach young students (ages 14+) about the complexities of climate change and the physical processes which drive it. All students are welcome to join!

Our first session Polar Regions “in our hands” will demonstrate peculiarities of the ocean circulation, causes of the sea level rise, ice melting, density stratification, thermohaline circulation, and rotating fluid features.

We will discover three simple experiments on processes related to the ocean currents that can be done using household items. For the activity you will need:

  • fresh water
  • ice
  • salt
  • food dyes
  • revolving cake stand (or similar alternative)

This session will be led by one of our very own researchers Kateryna Terletska in cooperation with the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (JASU).