Video portfolio

From script to screen

We like to get to the point. We will get your point across before your audience’s attention span peters out.

We make:

  • Snackable videos and GIFs for social media
  • Event teasers and summaries
  • Interviews for internal and external communication
  • Explainer training videos
  • Motion design and 3D
  • Video reports
  • Documentary interviews

Have a look


Get inspired by the thousands of projects that are making Europe more inclusive, democratic and greener.

Watch the complete series of videos.

EUI Peers In The Spotlight

Arctik has teamed up with the European Urban Initiative to produce EUI Peers In The Spotlight, a captivating video series emphasising the importance of peer reviews in enhancing sustainable urban development strategies across cities in Europe.

Cutting-edge technologies like the Alpha Line get ETV verified

Alpha Aqua is a recently verified technology from the European Technology Verification scheme. The Alpha Line is a land-based fish farm based in Esberg, Denmark technology looking to revolutionise fish farming for the future. In this video, you will learn more about their technology and the benefits of ETV.

EU Environmental Technology Verification

EU Environmental Technology Verification for green innovations explained

The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) programme helps breakthrough environmental technologies gain credibility and get into the market with a competitive advantage.

Be Circular – Ancienne Belgique

AB – Interview des clients

Be Circular – Mister Genius

Interview des clients

Be Circular – Beer food

BeerFood- Interview des consommateurs

Be Circular – Coucou shop

“L’économie circulaire nous a permis de rencontrer énormément d’intervenants qui sont dans ce domaine-là, d’améliorer des processus qui n’étaient pas encore en place, de vraiment réfléchir à de nouvelles méthodes, de nouvelles manières de faire.”

Marie Berlier, co-fondatrice de Coucou